Category Archives: Governments and Tyranny


Griffin officer shot and killed at Waffle House


A 43-year-old Griffin police officer and father of seven was only doing his job when he was shot and killed outside of a Waffle House early this morning while working an off-duty security job in full uniform, his brother said.

Raymond Jordan was there when Griffin police say Michael D. Bowman, 30, shot Officer Kevin Jordan multiple times. Raymond Jordan ultimately shot Bowman, who is in critical but stable condition at Atlanta Medical Center.

“I don’t want to be bitter,” Raymond Jordan told Channel 2 Action News. “But the only regret I have is that I didn’t kill him.”

He told the television station that Bowman, Chantell Mixon and Tyler Taylor were drunk when they came to the Waffle House at 1702 North Expressway. He claimed the trio used racial slurs and did not respect his brother, an ex-Marine who had been with the Griffin Police Department for four years.

In a statement, Griffin police only said that Bowman, Mixon and Taylor caused a disturbance and were asked to leave the restaurant around 2:20 a.m. Saturday. An altercation spilled into the parking lot, where Officer Kevin Jordan tried to arrest Mixon, Officer Mike Richardson with the Griffin Police Department said. Mixon is Bowman’s 28-year-old girlfriend, according to Channel 2.

Officer Kevin Jordan was on the ground trying to restrain Mixon when police say Bowman “maliciously shot” him multiple times in the back, Richardson said.

Raymond Jordan was in the parking lot when the gunfire erupted and grabbed his own gun, Richardson said. A civilian, he had a permit to carry a gun and was at the restaurant to visit his brother, who often worked there on weekends, police said. Raymond Jordan was not charged Saturday in Bowman’s shooting, and police offered no explanation.

Bowman and Mixon were charged with felony murder in Officer Kevin Jordan’s shooting death. Authorities also charged Mixon with felony obstruction. A third suspect, 23-year-old Tyler Taylor, was charged with disorderly conduct. It was not immediately clear if the three suspects hired attorneys, and several calls to their relatives went unanswered.

Darlene Buhlinger, Bowman’s aunt, did speak to Channel 2. She said she was in “disbelief” about what happened. She told the television station that her nephew had a permit to carry a gun but never thought he was capable of shooting anyone.

“That’s somebody’s son, daddy,” she said. “I mean I don’t even know what to feel. I’m so sorry for that family.”

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is now probing the shooting. The Griffin Police Department has asked the public to pray for Officer Kevin Jordan’s family, who will have to make funeral arrangements just as they were preparing to celebrate the upcoming high school graduation of one of his seven children.

“We are deeply saddened by these events and send our condolences to the family of Officer Jordan,” the department said in a statement. “We request that you keep the Jordan family in your prayers and thoughts as well as our local law enforcement community. Officer Jordan will be greatly missed.”


Atlanta Stripper Found Dead

The body of Angela Rabotte, 26, a popular Atlanta stripper who had been missing since last Friday, was discovered in Norcross, Georgia and one person of interest is in custody, reports the

Rabotte, who is known by the stage name Climax, was discovered by a survey crew in a heavily wooded area around 10:30 a.m. Thursday morning.

Rabotte dropped her 3-year-old daughter off at a friend’s house Friday night so that she could attend a party. She was last seen alive Saturday morning at approximately 6:oo a.m.

“Don’t know what I’m going to tell my daughter. That’s is what just kills me because she wakes up every morning talking about her mommy,” said Rabotte’s ex-boyfriend Darrell Campbell.

“She was just a great mother. She had a great spirit,” Campbell continued. “She was a fighter, so I know she fought. She just didn’t have this coming to her.”

Campbell organized the search for Rabotte and was joined by concerned family and friends who dropped to their knees when it was confirmed that it was her body.

Gwinnett County police say that they are treated the case as a homicide but the person of interest has not been charged.

“Fair to call him a person of interest but he has been in custody far before we had this crime scene. He was actually in custody in the Gwinett County Jail without bond for about 48 hours now. His name is Charles Outlaw, he is one of the last people seen with her, but he is not charged in this crime by any means,” said Gwinnet County Police Cpl. Jake Smith.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation continues to investigate and the exact cause of death has not been determined.


Africa’s Skin Bleaching Sensation



“What is the Eastern Star organization, and are they related to the Free Masons?”

Answer: The Order of the Eastern Star (OES) is a secret society that is similar to that of the Masons. Both organizations work in concert, and many people belong to both groups. These organizations are shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Many believe Matthew 2:2to be the guiding verse of the Order: “We have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him” (KJV).

The Order of the Eastern Star maintains that it is not a secret society. The group calls itself the largest worldwide fraternal organization. More than 500,000 men and women are members of the OES. The OES officially began in the mid-1800s in the United States. Dr. Rob Morris, the Poet Laureate of Masonry, organized the first Grand Chapter of the Order. Morris developed the rituals and creeds of the Order supposedly based on his belief in God and biblical stories. The OES began as a group for women who were related to the male Masons but now admits both genders as official members.

According to Eastern Star’s official website, the purposes of the organization are “Charitable, Educational, Fraternal and Scientific.” The Order supposedly promotes moral values and personal goodness, building “an Order which is truly dedicated to charity, truth and loving kindness.”

The purposes of the OES seem honorable at first glance, even biblically based. Why, then, is there so much secrecy? Jesus’ earthly ministry was very public. He did not shroud His purpose in mystery; He was open and honest with everyone regarding His teachings and lifestyle. He did not create a secret code word or handshake for a select few. He made Himself and His grace available for all, and still does (John 3:16).

The Order has several specific requirements that individuals must meet before they can be “adopted” into the OES family. Male candidates must be Masons, and women candidates must be related to a Mason in some way before they will be considered. Also, a candidate must have a belief in a “Supreme Being.” The official website says, “Members of all religions may belong to the Order of the Eastern Star. We only require a belief in a Supreme Being.” In contrast to this nebulous belief system, the Bible presents Jesus as the exclusive Savior and Lord.Acts 4:12says, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”

There is a common belief that the Order of the Eastern Star is a Christian-based organization that simply observes traditions and rituals that support fraternal and historic bonds. However, the OES teaches some things that are at odds with biblical Christianity. Besides denying the exclusive nature of Christ’s salvation, the OES teaches that man is essentially good and places a heavy emphasis on good works and community service as a means of earning a relationship with the Supreme Being. Also, the group is cloaked in mystery and mysticism. First John 1:5says, “This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.” There is no confusion or darkness in God; therefore, as His followers, we should disengage from sources of worldly darkness, mysteries, confusion, and compromise.

Many people join groups such as the Eastern Star and the Masons innocently, for reasons such as family tradition or a desire to make friends or belong to a community group. Those who join for such reasons may not have given much thought to the works-based theology of Eastern Star. The Bible commands us to “test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1).

Philippians 4:8says, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” A society that is “secret” and ambiguous in regard to its theology is not analogous with God’s Word, which is the embodiment of light and truth. A Christian should not be a member of any secret society or organization that has any connection with Freemasonry, and that includes Eastern Star.

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This is a time for each of us as civilized and responsible adults to honestly and clearly recognize that there is a very serious situation that has been perpetrated against the people, and there is strong evidence of a complete abandonment of the constitution that serves our country. Within the political and governmental agencies there is believed to be total tyranny and an agenda and takeover of our sovereign country. I want you to remember, remember the atrocities that were committed in Germany to the so-called Jews (those who adopted and practiced the Jewish religion) from the regions of Russia, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Berlin and numerous death camps such as Treblinka, Warsaw and Sobibar for a total estimate of around 10 million deaths. Have you any idea of what happen in the many concentration camps and to what extent of the horrors that actually took place?

 Many of you now are in doubt that any such thing ever happen and these events known as the Holocaust were purely an orchestrated hoax. Furthermore it is also known that Nazi Commandant Franz Stangl guilty of murdering over 900,000 men, women and children journeyed to Rome the headquarters of the Catholic Church where he sought help from a Roman Catholic Bishop named Alois Hudal, Rector of the Pontificio Santa Maria dell’ Anima. The Jewish Bishop was a Nazi sympathizer who harbored anti-Semitic feelings and his pro Nazi stance was well known throughout the Catholic community. During Hitler’s rule, Bishop Hudal often spoke about the unity between the Catholic Church and the Nazi government.

 The video that you are about to view is just one among many such documented accounts of the atrocities that occurred between 1942 and 1943 to over 10 Million innocent people, men, women and children. Shocking as these videos maybe they are without any doubt a true and documented account of the brutal and inhuman suffering of a people who were chosen for a total and complete extermination by the Hitler regime. Simon Wiesenthal a Holocaust survivor would later enact the Nazi Hunters for surviving war criminals of crimes against humanity.

 The entire era, 1932-1945 has left an evil legacy for the Catholic Church. Although many have argued that the Catholic Church lived in fear and under the thumb of a dictator, therefore the Church was powerless to help the enemies of the Third Reich. Perhaps we can give the Vatican the benefit of the doubt in February 1942, but what about in December 1944 or March 1945. Was the Catholic Church living in fear of a Nazi invasion in April 1945? Was the Church fearful of reprisals in May of 1945 by wondering SS divisions? No, the Catholic Church, not only intentionally helped Nazi war criminals escape justice, but helped them establish new lives in foreign countries. The Vatican used every means at their disposal to assist war criminals, including dressing SS officers in priests clothing and laundering hundreds of millions of gold bullion through Vatican banking channels. Granted that humanitarianism is one of the Church’s missions to fulfill on this earth, but does this mission of brotherly love include harboring escaped murderers and war criminals? Granted that love of one’s neighbor is one of the bedrock principles of the Church, but does that include covering up the sins of former members of the SS who willingly sinned against their fellow human beings? These questions I will leave to readers to decide for themselves.

An American Holocaust

On the Rise!